My name is Dennis Delemar, and I am a husband, father and film director who lives in San Bernardino, California, with my wife, Danielle Sells. I graduated from Charleston Southern University where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. At CSU, I walked away from my college football career my senior year. Feeling like I was supposed to quit the sport, I prayed “If this is You calling me away from football, I need to hear from you verbally”. Within 15 minutes, I received an answer from a complete stranger who said that “He has something else great for you to do”. I realized later the purpose was to speak Truth to power through filmmaking. I produced dozens of short films, but I'm still at the beginning of my directing journey. Thus far, my work has been featured in Essence Magazine, FoxSoul, various news outlets, and I’ve been a guest speaker at schools like Alabama A&M, Paul Quinn College, and Riverside Community College. I am also the founder of the Greenwood Film Festival in Tulsa Oklahoma.
My wife and I met in 2017 on the campus of the University of Southern California at a Bible study. Our two boys are named Zakar (3) and Yaharak (7 months). Our family is one of faith and traditional values. For example, I delivered both of my sons at home, the last with the help of a doula.
Because we are a faith based family, circumcision is a very serious and important practice to us. Our first son was circumcised by a private physician in Los Angeles. On June 23, I decided to circumcise my second son. I did so because the physician's prices had risen, and we did not have access to funds to get another doctor. Also it would not be covered by the insurance available to us. In addition, I found that a 2011 California law gave parents the right to have their son circumcised. At the time, we could not find any other options. Most importantly, I wanted to obey Elohim's word, that every male was to be circumcised. I circumcised him after studying about the practice through a training module, conducted by a Urologist. The method was the most traditional, used by Jewish Rabbi’s.
Our son, however, had a condition we would later learn was called phimosis. With this condition, even though one is circumcised, a skin adhesion can remain. This remaining adhesion/skin caused bleeding, so we took him to the hospital. Urology said that there was no urologic intervention needed at that time, only to finish the circumcision in 6 months to fix the phimosis. This is when the nightmare began. Immediately, the social worker began to say things like “we neglected him”, making comments like “were we trying to flee the country?” As though we committed a terrorist act.
On June 24, 2024, per the hospital protocol by a mandatory reporter, Child Family Services was called, and many tests were run. All tests came back negative, except for this anomaly on Yaharak’s femur. They called it a “corner metaphyseal fracture”. The child abuse pediatrician said that it was an injury caused by violent force, by twisting, and hyperextending the knee. This had not occurred, and we began to confront her about the fabrication. In fact, after her stating it another time to me, I said that it was not possible such a thing happening to our two month old, and “what else could it be”. She then took out her phone, then looked at the computer as if she were going to type in Google, but she never answered me.
We were held hostage at the hospital with all these tests, in one of which our son's lung collapsed because he was two young for general anesthesia. We found that out, not because they told us, but because we looked at the medical report.
As CFS got involved, the pediatrician who did know if it was an actual fracture was telling CFS that it was indeed a fracture. We asked about it being congenital but it was shot down, as they continued to say “its definitely a fracture”. Where I began to see that this was a diabolical episode of the twilight zone is what happened on June 27, 2024. Earlier that week, I heard a conversation which the pediatrician didn’t know I heard. While outside the room the doctor and CFS social worker talked, and the doctor admitted that it could be congenital, and something for birth. Right after that that social worker said to us they didn’t really know what it was.
On June 27, we were discharged, and on the discharge paper under diagnosis it said that it was “concerning for a corner metaphyseal corner fracture”. It read as if it was indeed determined. Furious, I confronted the pediatrician. Asking her why she has been lying to us, I heard her say that she said herself that she didn’t know, yet the whole time she was telling us we violently twisted his knee and hyperextended it. After trying to put the “findings” on the radiologist, I told her that I would expose her, and would come after her job. She then responded “What do you want me to do then?” I then said, “go change this paper, and reflect on the diagnosis that you all do not know what this anomaly is”. She then leaves and gives us new discharge papers that had a diagnosis that they have to do a follow up to see if it is a corner metaphyseal fracture versus a congenital birth abnormality.
The next morning was by far the toughest of our life, and one I will remember. The Sheriff showed up to take our newborn and 2 year old son! I asked this same CFS social worker, the one who told me that they did not know what the abnormality was, what the allegations were. She said because of the incision (would not call it circumcision) and because of the “fracture”. I said it had not been diagnosed as a fracture, she said “it’s definitely a fracture”. She committed perjury by knowing it was not a fracture, but submitted to the court that it was.
The day they took them, I remember laughter in the hallway from the social workers. I remember packing a bag for my son and fastening his seatbelt to go with these evil women, to a place I wasn’t sure of. I remember seeing my 2 year old after weeks, and him looking at me as though I deserted him. I can’t put in words what that feels like as a father.
So here we are in 2025, and I have had 2 public defenders who purposeful have tried to block evidence from our well respected expert witness. A witness who was the founder and former director of the child abuse department at the same hospital we were accused at! These lawyers have tried to coerce us to agree that we are child abusers.
On February 6, 2025 was the last straw, and why I’m reaching out for help. The last attorney was giving our expert the wrong dates to have his report ready by. We were blessed to get in contact with him beforehand to make sure he had the right date. The lawyer was trying to sabotage us and the witness to back us into a “mediation” corner. Our expert report was finished the night of February 5, and the report exposes their allegations in great detail. The morning of the 6, excited, I spoke with the lawyer who, after reading the 65 page report still wanted to argue with me to plea, saying “I have to talk to him (expert)”. We were suppose to set the date for the trial that day. It took all the strength in me not to snap. I responded, “If you are trying to discriminate against me, I will contact the bar.” She then went to the judge and said “we have a conflict”. Then they gave me a male clone of her, who began to, not even reading the report, talk about agreeing to the allegations!
San Bernardino is said to be one of the worst dependency courts in California, as the Grand Jury said that it needs to be dismantled!
Recently, since court, I have found a private attorney willing to take our case. He is aware of the court, their trafficking, and recently had cases like mines which were successful. I am reaching out for help for the $15k retainer to help bring our boys home. And prayerfully and earnestly, when they are home, I am committed to exposing the evil network I call the “Kidnapping Cartel”. The Kidnapping Cartel is set to be a powerful documentary of parents, doctors, social workers, lawyers etc who have seen and lived the epidemic that is happening across the United States. It will focus on the heart of loving parents, and the disgusting machine that steals and profits off of their children. I believe that though our pain is deep, it will birth something that will aid in dismantling the Kidnapping Cartel, bring attention to it on a national and global scale, and be a tool for change. Please help us in this first step, which is getting our children back home by hiring this lawyer.
Thank you.